salam akoium
this winter getting colder as well, I went to muslim ladies store and I looked for casual abaya and jilbab but I need to plus size but not there :( I m still looking for casual abaya or jilbab at online but too expsive.. it's hard to find right one but I looked and looked for plus size modest clothes. few days ago I threw those kufar clothes away and put away in grab bag. I put old hijabs and old prayer clothes for poor which modest clothes to keep it.. I felt better and I m ready for wear abaya and jilbab any time or any day inshallah.
I bought a book called "you can be the happiest woman in the world : a treasure chest of reminders" byDr. A'id al-qarni from Dursalam bookstore. it was great to read about modestly, manner, behaviour, etc.... I love this book. it makes me to be happy my self.. mashallah..
because I read and I realise that I should more modest abaya to please to Allah. I am so happy that book helps me. my iman grew to be stronger, inshallah.
I heard that niqab ban in australia but it was copied niqab ban in europe, that Rev Fred Nile is islamphobia and muslim hater, he is from Christian party. he is narrowminded! he wants to ban for niqab and I couldnt agree wth him, I heard from TV "today tonight" about niqab ban ... it is stupid.. he wants to ban but he will not successful in parliment as well. the Greens or socialist try to against ban.. he had disobey the australia law, it is freedom to wear, it's human rights.
I 'd love to support niqabis and hijabis to freedom to wear it,
I wonder I should wear jilbab or abaya one day.. it might helps me more modest.. May Allah guide me right way..