Saturday, October 9, 2010

I am back again :P , hijab issues.... :P



last month ,  I went to  Hijab House at bankstown,  I bought  4 hijab for $20.00  and  I looked some abayas , it 's not bad at all , I came home from bankstown then I arrived on station and on the way to home,  one Indian lady, she asked me , where that from ?? I said  "I just bought at bankstown today" . then she say" that hijab is not fard  ,  I am not wearing it ."   :S  what a suprise..  what that lady say that so..  weird..  maybe some people who are not pracisting muslim anyway or dont read quran about  hijab is fard..  I think so...

 4weeks ago,  my friend and I went to Eid Festvial at fairfield , I bought  nice turkish hijab and tie dye with sliver pinstripe.   we walked down to food , yummy.. then  we take nice ice cream..  we got home and look what's in..  it was great day MEFF  eid festvial.  mashallah ..

I sat down and  wonder  those people dont wear hijab , that issue??  maybe following western ways  or  not ? embarrmassing themselves ??  what next ?  :S